{MERN Stack= M = Mongo DB
E = Express (layer in node JS)
R = React (Library for Frontend development
N = Node JS }
Web development is the building and maintenance of websites and web applications.
Here website has static content ( i.e. same data) for example Wikipedia, Blogs etc. and web applications consist of dynamic content which is changing every time.
Web development can be classified into three types based on its layers.
1-> Frontend development = It is the user interface where the user can see the front page of the website i.e. it is used to focus on the visual aspects of the website where the user can see and interact with it.
Frontend development can be done by using HTML/CSS/JavaScript(JS)/React.
2-> Backend development = It is the brain of web development which is performed by logical thinking, where users can't see visual aspects. It comprises a site's structure, system, data, and logic.
Backend development can be created inside "Node JS".
Database layer = It is the place where all data are stored which is present on the website and also used to store external data.
A database can be done on "No SQL/SQL/Mongo DB".
3-> Full stack Development = When these frontend, backend and database are combined then it forms "Full Stack Web Development".
Full Stack Web Development = Frontend + Backend + Database.